Mine Details



gold, Town, DiDo


Address: 73 Dugan Street, Kalgoorlie, WA, 6430 

State:  73 Dugan Street, Kalgoorlie, WA, 6430




The Catherwood mine in the Eastern Goldfields Region of Western Australia, is part of the Kunanalling Project that is owned by Kalgoorlie based mining and exploration company Phoenix Gold Limited. The Kunanalling Project covers over 20 kilometre of strike known as the Kunanalling Shear which has a mineral resource totalling 358,000 ounces of gold.

Easily Mined Gold Bearing Ore at the Catherwood Project Gives Phoenix a Bonus
Phoenix Gold Limited discovered broad widths of improved gold grades near the surface at its Catherwood project in 2012 which considerably enhanced the early viability of the project, with diamond drilling showing the following results:

- Two metres at a grading of 18.02 grams a tonne from 18 metres
- 10 metres at 4.06 grams a tonne of gold from 16 metres
- 12 metres grading at 4.18 grams a tonne of gold from 20 metres
- 17 metres at 3.66 grams a tonne of gold from 16 metres
- 25 metres at 4.14 grams a tonne of gold from 11 metres

These results were looked on by Phoenix Gold Limited as having the potential to deliver the company a ready made cash flow early in the life of the Kunanalling project. It therefore entered into an agreement with one of Australia's largest gold producers, Norton Gold Fields, to develop stage one of the Catherwood mine.

Phoenix Reach Agreement With Norton to Develop Stage One of the Catherwood Mine
The agreement between Phoenix Gold Limited and Norton Gold Fields gave Norton the right to mine, haul and treat the ore obtained from the Catherwood stage one cut back. Under the terms of the agreement Phoenix retained ownership of the project and all its tenements, while ore mined from the Catherwood project would be processed at Norton's Paddington gold processing facility that is able to handle up to 3.5 million tonnes of ore a year. In return, Phoenix Gold Limited would receive an initial deposit from Norton before beginning mining at the site, with a second payment being made when mining commenced. Payments after that woule be made by Norton to Phoenix on an agreed rate per ounce of gold recovered from the mined ore. Stage one of the Catherwood development comprised mining of the south eastern wall of the existing open pit at the site that was estimated to contain at least 19,000 ounces grading at 2.4 grams a tonne of gold.

Stage One of Catherwood Mine Began in 2013

Mining began at the Catherwood Mine during the first quarter of 2013 within the terms of the agreement reached between the two parties. Norton set about mining the mineralised ore from the Catherwood stage one development and transported it 35 kilometres along axisting haulage roads to its Paddington gold treatment plant. Phoenix Gold Limited wasn't required to contribute to any costs incurred in the mining, transporting and treatment of the ore mined at the Catherwood open cut operation, although Norton paid Phoenix as agreed at a previously guaranteed floor price. Mining of stage one was completed during the third quarted of 2013.

Catherwood Development Funds Further Exploration
Phoenix Gold has extensive landholding on the Kunanalling and Zuleika shear zones north west of Kalgoorlie that has proved to be home to some of the countries richest gold bearing ore bodies. The selling of the ore mined from stage one of the Catherwood development, along with its existing stockpiles, to Norton Gold Fields, was important for Phoenix Gold Limited to more easily fund the further exploration of its tenements to continue growing its resources particularly that of its Castle Hill Project.

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