Mine Details





Address: level 36, 2 The Esplanade, Perth, WA, 6000 

State:  level 36, 2 The Esplanade, Perth, WA, 6000




The Bullabulling Gold Project is located at Coolgardie, in the EasternGoldfields Region of Western Australia, about 70 kilometres south west ofKalgoorlie. It is fortunate to be sited along the main Kalgoorlie to Perthhighway with ready access to water and power.

Bullabulling Gold Project Owner Norton Gold Fields in MajorityOwned by Zijin Mining Group of China

The Bullabulling Gold Project, covers an area of 131 square kilometresthat consists of exploration and prospecting licences and a series of already granted mining leases. The project is owned and being developed byNorton Gold Fields, a major Australian gold mining company which is oneof Australia's largest gold producers. Norton Gold Fields is majority owned by Zijin Mining Group, the largest gold producing company in China.

Bullabulling Definitive Feasibility Study due to be Completed in 2015

A Definitive Feasibility Study being undertaken by Norton Gold Fields onthe status of the Bullabulling Gold Project is due for completion in 2015.This study is important for the company in the making of its decision onhow to frame its ongoing development plan and the economics involved inprogressing the project to the production stage.

Bullabulling Deposit Previously Mined During the 1990's

The Bullabulling gold deposit had been mined in the 1990's as an open pitoperation with production finally coming to an end in 1998 and its majorplant infrastructure and equipment being acquired by a previous owner,Resolute Mining. Despite the mining equipment and infrastructure beingremoved from the site, the Bullabulling mining lease was maintained underits new owner, Jervois, which carried on with a small scale working,mainly mining ore that had previously been mined but not processed. Thecontinuous mining lease having been retained over the Bullabulling Goldmine site gives the current owner, Norton Gold Fields, the ability to fasttrack the mine back into production once again. This also means there areno traditional land holders to negotiate with as the mine has retained anongoing production history.

Norton Gold Fields has an annual gold production exceeding 178,000ounces mainly coming from its mining and processing facilities in theKalgoorlie Region of Western Australia. It also has high grade goldtenement holdings covering an area of 1,091 square kilometressurrounding its 3.3 million tonnes a year Paddington Gold Processing Mill.

Prior to Norton Gold fields acquiring the Bullabulling Gold Project, in2014, the previous owner of the project, Bullabulling Gold, had finalisedan updated economic assessment of the project. The assessment was basedon the mine being developed as an open pit, it predicted the mine as beingcapable of producing 2.1 million ounces of gold over a period of 12 years,at a production cost of $834 an ounce that expanded to $930 an ouncewhen you factor in state and private royalties etc. It reported a mininginventory within the pits of 89.3 million tonnes at a grade of 0.84 grams a tonne that would produce 2.4 million ounces of contained gold.

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