Mine Details

Broken hill rasp mine


zinc, lead, silver, copper, Town, DiDo


Address: 130 Eyre Street, Broken Hill, NSW, 2880 

State:  130 Eyre Street, Broken Hill, NSW, 2880




The Broken Hill-Rasp Mine is located in the city of Broken Hill, within the Rasp Mine lease that covers the historic Broken Hill Line of Lode ore body, which is part of the original mine that began production in Broken Hill in the 1880's. Since the mine was re-opened in July 2012 it has been mining ore at the rate of 650,000 million tonnes a year.

Japanese Company Toho Zinc Take Over Broken Hill-Rasp Mine
Underground mining ceased at the Broken Hill-Rasp Mine in mid 2008 when world commodity prices collapsed due to the advent of the Global Financial Crisis (GFC). In early 2010 the mine owner, CBH Resources Limited, was subsequently taken over by Japanese mining company Toho Zinc Company which gave the re-development of the Broken Hill-Rasp Mine a priority. One year later, in January, 2011, the New South Wales Government's Department of Planning granted development approval.

GR Engineering Help Re-building of the Broken Hill-Rasp Mine
Following receipt of the governmental approval, the new owner of the mine, Toho Zinc, gave GR Engineering Services the contract to design, procure and construct the ore processing plant with work on the project beginning in March 2011 and being completed in April 2012.

New Broken Hill-Rasp Mine Decline Accesses new Areas
Development of the Broken Hill-Rasp underground operation began in April 2011 and continued on schedule, with priority being given to developing the Centenary and Western mineralisation as well as the high grade pillars that were left un-mined when the Main Lode ore-body was being mined during its last period of operation. A new decline was also developed to enable access to areas that have not been previously mined.

Broken Hill-Rasp Life of Mine to Last 15 years
The Broken-Hill Rasp Mine is currently on track to produce 1.1 million ounces of silver in lead concentrate that is expected to average 28,000 tonnes and zinc concentrate that is expected to realise an average production of 34,000 tonnes. The mine employs around 160 personnel and should have a life of mine of more than15 years.

Concentrate From Broken Hill-Rasp Mine Shipped out of the Newcastle Port
Concentrate from the Broken Hill-Rasp Mine is railed to the Newcastle port Shiploader Facility where unloading and under cover storage is available, as is a modern ship loading operation that is shared by other New South Wales mines, as well as zinc concentrate from the Endeavor Mine, another CBH Resources Limited NSW mining operation. The Newcastle Shiploading Facility has a throughput of over 500,000 tonnes a year.

Broken Hill-Rasp Mine Named After Boundary Rider Charles Raft
The Broken Hill-Rasp Mine was named after Charles Rasp, a local sheep station boundary rider, who discovered the rich ore body in the late 1800's. Since that historic find Broken Hill grew to become one of the largest silver, zinc and lead centres in the world.

CBH Resources Limited is now a fully owned subsidiary of the Toho Zinc Company Limited, a Japanese nonferrous metals refining company that is listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange. It is focused on ongoing exploration programs that take in the Broken Hill and Cobar Districts.

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