Mine Details





Address: Level 1, Breakfast Creek Road, Newstead, QLD, 4006 

State:  Level 1, Breakfast Creek Road, Newstead, QLD, 4006




The Bluff open cut PCI (pulverised coal injection) quality coal mining project was being developed by Carabella Resources Limited, in the coal rich Bowen Basin Region of Central Queensland, near the town of Bluff, 20 kilometres east of Blackwater. However, from the beginning of 2014 the project has come under the control of Wealth Mining Pty Ltd a fully owned subsidiary of China Kingho Energy Group.

Registrations to Become Involved in the Bluff Coal Mining Project Have now Closed

In November, 2013, Carabella Resources Limited called for expressions of interest to be registered by people wanting to work on the project and businesses looking to supply goods and services to the mine that will have an expected life of mine of up to 15 years. Registrations closed on January 31, 2014. The call for expressions of interest was undertaken on the websites of Carabella Resources Limited and the Central Highlands Development Corporation. The expressions of interest are now being considered on an individual basis. The Central Highlands Development Corporation became involved in the recruiting campaign to show the strength of community support for the Bluff coal mining project.

The online registration for employment on the Bluff coal project required potential employees to outline their skills, preferred type of work and experience in a brief resume of at least two pages. The business supplier registration required potential suppliers to submit a capability statement for the supply of goods and services in the areas of plant and equipment hire, uniforms and protective clothing, safety equipment and various non- mining services.

It is expected that more than 100 people will gain employment on the project that, when completed, will produce around 1.2 million tonnes of ultra low volatile PCI coal a year for 15 years.

Bluff Coal Mine to be a Relatively Small Project

The Bluff open cut coal mining project is to be a relatively small mining operation using the conventional truck and excavator method of open cut mining. The mining lease covers an area of 1,107 hectares, with the Capricorn Highway passing along its northern boundary alongside the Blackwater ñ Gladstone railway system. It is proposed to have coal production commencing at the Bluff mine in 2014 subject to Carabella Resources Limited receiving all the necessary governmental approvals. The project to be developed is close to numerous coal mines some still producing while others are historical workings such as; Carragh, Cook, Blackwater, Yarrabee and Jellinbah.

Infrastructure to be constructed at the Bluff coal mining project includes a coal wash plant, and a railway loop. The raw coal from the mine is to be taken to a ROM (run-of-mine) stockpile to await processing. Following processing the coal is to be railed to the port at Gladstone from where it will be exported to the company's overseas customers.

Bluff mine coal is expected to be attractive to users looking for a low ash,†low volatiles, low phosphorus, low sulphur and high fixed carbon type of coal product. Much of the coal could also be sold as direct shipping coal therefore avoiding the need for washing.

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