Mine Details

Berwyndale south


coal-seam-gas, Town, DiDo


Address: Level 30, 275 George St, Brisbane, QLD, 4000 

State:  Level 30, 275 George St, Brisbane, QLD, 4000




The Berwyndale South coal seam gas field is owned by the London based BG Group through its subsidiary company QGC, formerly Queensland Gas Company. BG Group has operations in 25 countries on five continents throughout the world. The company has a long history in all energy areas, particularly natural gas, where it carries out exploration, development and product delivery operations.

The first Commercial Supply of Gas From the Berwyndale South Field Occurred in 2006
The Berwyndale South coal seam gas field is located 14 kilometres north of the Roma-Brisbane gas pipeline and 32 kilometres south-west of the town of Chinchilla in the Surat Basin Region of Queensland. Coal seam gas field development commenced at Berwyndale South in August 2005 with the first commercial supply of gas from the field being delivered to the CS Energy Swanbank 'E' power station in May 2006.

CS Energy the First to Receive Gas From the Berwyndale South Coal Seam Gas Field
QGC had entered into an agreement to supply gas to CS Energy, a Queensland Government owned energy generating authority, at a rate of 4 petajoules a year for a period of 10 years. By mid 2006 gas from the Berwyndale South gas field was also being delivered to the Braemar power station 40 kilometres west of the town of Dalby.

Berwyndale South Gas is Free Flowing
The Berwyndale South coal seam gas field exists on the central Walloon fairway of the Surat Basin. The field has been producing around 50 terajoules of gas a day with average well production being around 1.9 terajoules, although some wells have been producing up to four terajoules a day. Berwyndale South daily production had been up to 70 terajoules a day until it was reduced to 50 terajoules to enable other nearby coal seam gas fields to be brought into production. A majority of the wells at Berwyndale South don't require pumping as they are free flowing with formation water entrained with the high gas flows.

Berwyndale South Central Gas Treatment Plant Connects to Braemar Gas Accumulator
The Berwyndale South central gas processing plant also processes gas drawn from the Argyle-Kenya coal seam gas field and the trial operations at QGC owned and operated Lauren, Codie and Bellevue fields. During 2008 the Berwyndale South central gas processing facility processed 160 terajoules of gas a day from its previous 100 terajoules as a result of the installation of a 250mm pipeline that took the gas a distance of 14.5 kilometres to connect the Berwyndale South treatment plant to the Braemar power station gas accumulator.

Coal seam gas, such as that produced at the Berwyndale South natural gas field, is also known as coal bed methane, or coal seam methane. It is derived from gas that has been trapped for millions of years in coal fractures underground. The gas is created alongside coal from ancient plants and organic matter generally that has become compressed and heated. The gas is held in place by water pressure.
The QGC, Surat Basin tenements hold gasses that comprise 98 percent methane along with small amounts of ethane, carbon dioxide and nitrogen. This type of coal seam gas requires very little treatment before it becomes commercially viable.

It has been estimated that New South Wales and Queensland have up to
250 trillion cubic feet in gas reserves. Sufficient amounts to supply power to a city of one million people for at least 5,000 years.

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