Mine Details



titanium-slag, vanadium, iron-orecamp, FiFo


Address: L1, 672 Murray St, West Perth, WA, 6005 

State:  L1, 672 Murray St, West Perth, WA, 6005




The Neometals Limited open cut vanadium mining project, Barrambie, islocated 116 kilometres south east of Meekatharra and 75 kilometres northwest of Sandstone in Western Australia. Neometals Limited, formallyknown as Reed Resources, is readying to mine the highest grade hard rocktitanium deposit in the world making use of a proprietary acid leachprocess that will result in it producing high purity titanium, vanadium and iron oxide concentrates at low quartile costs.

Barrambie Deposit is of High Purity

Formal laboratory tests carried out in Canada have confirmed the highpurity of the Barrambie titanium dioxide deposit, as titanium in excess of99 percent has been precipitated selectively from leach solutions withrecoveries exceeding 90 percent.

Mini Processing Plant in Canada has Proved Successful Processing ofBarrambie ore

Since 2014, a 10 kilogram a day mini-plant evaluation has been carried outin Canada using proprietary hydrometallurgical technology that hascontinuously produced high purity titanium from Barrambie ore. Sufficientinformation has been generated from this evaluation to give confidence togo ahead with rigorous modelling to allow operating and capital costs to be ascertained. This testing has also resulted in Neometals being able toconfirm its lowest quartile operating costs that were originally obtained in its 2013 scoping study. It also allowed mining industry consultants,Sedgeman and Snowden, to start their pre-feasibility study into theBarrambie project due to be completed in the March quarter of 2015.The Barrambie Eastern Band hard rock titanium deposit contains a mineralresource of 48 million tonnes grading at 22 percent titanium dioxide,making it the world's highest grade titanium ore body.

Barrambie ore Leaching Process Pioneered in Canada

The proprietary hydrometallurgical acid leaching technology used toextract valuable minerals was pioneered in Canada. The first stage in theleaching process allows for the recovery of vanadium and iron from thesolution after which there is a second stage where the leaching of titanium units is achieved. A major feature of the process, that has been patented by its Canadian inventor, is that of the regeneration and acid recovery process which shows the potential to carry out the operation at much lower costs than more conventional technologies. The process is also environmentally friendly, more energy efficient, leaves inert tailings and produces low emissions. Further opportunities to improve the economics of the operation can be obtained by optimising the use of high grade concentrates as feed along with the increasing of throughput through the processing plant and electricity co-generation, as well as recovering and marketing the byproducts of aluminium oxide and pure iron. These innovative moves will give the Barrambie Project a much longer economical life than would be the case otherwise.

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