20 Scott St, Parkside, SA, 5063
State: 20 Scott St, Parkside, SA, 5063
The innovative Arckaringa Project in South Australia is another step closer to becoming a reality with the signing of new joint venture partners in November, 2014. The joint venture partners plan to develop a coal mine in the Arckaringa Basin of South Australia and then process the coal on site to produce methanol. The new partnership includes Altona Energy, Wintask Group and Sino-Aus Energy Group. Altona Energy will retain its position as operator of the project with a 45 percent shareholding, SinoAus will also have a 45 percent shareholding and Wintask will hold a 10 percent interest in the project.
The project will be known as the Arckaringa Coal to Liquids Power Project as it will produce 10 million barrels of liquid methanol a year from its coal feedstock. The second stage of the project will also include the building and operation of an additional 280 MW base load power station.
The newly established joint venture formed to develop the Arckaringaproject will now complete a Bankable Feasibility Study to justifyfinancing, with the next step being the physical development of the project with the intention of bringing it into production.
The Arckaringa Basin coal resource was thoroughly explored during the1980's when many feasibility studies were undertaken on the Wintinna coaldeposit. It was planned at one stage to exploit the coal to power a powerstation at the site but this never eventuated.