Mine Details

Airly mountain


thermal-black-coal, Town, DiDo


Address: , Capetee, NSW, 

State:  , Capetee, NSW,




The Airly underground coal mine near Capetee, north west of Lithgow, in the Hunter Valley Region of New South Wales, has been placed on care and maintenance by its Thai owners Centennial Coal. The mine site, on the Castlereagh Highway, was acquired by Centennial Coal in 1997 but the company never began development of the mine until 2008. The first load of coal left the Airly Mine in December 2009. At the time the mine was given a life of mine of 20 years if it produced a targeted 1.8 million tonnes a year. The coal produced at the Airly Mine goes towards supplying both the export and domestic markets. It was placed on care and maintenance in January 2013.

Airly Coal Mine Placed on Care and Maintenance

However, Centennial Coal do not intend to abandon the Airly Mine, as while it is on care and maintenance it is continuing to meet all environmental and safety regulations with a team kept onsite to further progress an Airly Extension Project.

Airly Mine to Re-Open When Market Conditions Improve

Centennial Coal have stated they intend re-opening the Airly Mine once market conditions improve and while waiting for this to occur are seeking approvals to renew its existing planning consent by 2014. The existing renewal allows for Centennial Coal to extend its mining further to the east of the current lease. Underground mining is part of this ongoing plan and it claims the extension will increase its coal mining capacity to meet its planned infrastructure upgrading. In the meantime, the New South Wales Government Department of Planning and Infrastructure, is waiting on an Environmental Impact Statement that is to be completed and submitted by Centennial Coal by mid-2013.

Airly Mine Still has Approximately 20 Years of Productive Life Left

The Airly underground mine, when operating, was operated via a continuous miner and place change method and the thermal coal produced was mainly exported. In 2011 the mine was producing half a million tonnes a year although it had a capacity to produce 1.8 million tonnes. It has 33.7 million tonnes in reserves, which, on current production rates, would give the mine a further 18 plus years of production. The coal is railed from the mine to Port Kembla for shipping overseas. The surface infrastructure consists of a coal preparation plant and a railway loop.

Centennial Coal a Subsidiary of Banpu

Centennial Coal, that was established in 1989, is a subsidiary of Thai coal producer Banpu. It operates seven coal mines in NSW and employs more than 1,800 people. Centennial Coal is therefore one of the largest coal producers in NSW and, with its parent company Banpu, is part of the large independent pan-Asian coal group. Centennial Coal exports coal to steel mills and power stations in Europe, Korea, Japan and Taiwan as well as supplying 40 percent of the NSW coal fired power station needs.

Banpu Public Company Limited, the parent company of Centennial Coal, is a large Thailand power and mining company with mining and coal operations in China, Indonesia and Thailand. It also operates power stations in Thailand and China.

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