Mine Details

West musgrave project


copper, nickel


Address: WA, 

State:  WA,




The West Musgrave project's, Nebo Babel deposit, consisting of nickel, copper and PGE (Platinum Group Elements) sulphide, that is located in the largely unexplored eastern area of Western Australia, is being developed by Cassini Resources Limited, an Australian ASX, listed mineral resource company. Cassini Resources acquired full ownership of the West Musgrave Project from BHP Billiton in 2014. Cassini Resources largest shareholders include mining contracting company, MACA, that holds 13.5 percent and GR Engineering (GRES) with 6.8 percent.

BHP Billiton Discovered the Nebo-Babel Deposit at the West Musgrave Project Site in 2000

BHP Billiton started exploring the West Musgrave region of Western Australia during the 1990's and as a result discovered the Nebo-Babel deposits there in 2000 and the Succoth deposit in 2013. Since Cassini Resources acquired the West Musgrave Project from BHP Billiton, it has it has substantially increased the resource as well having delivered a favourable Scoping Study in 2015 and completed work on a pre-feasibility study that will be released early in 2016.

West Musgrove Project to be a low Cost Nickel and Copper Producer

The West Musgrave Scoping Study determined that the Nebo-Babel deposit would be able to produce substantial amounts of low cost copper and nickel and that it would be able to begin production in 2018. The attraction in developing the project is its forecasted low operating cost and the fact that the mining method proposed would be able to provide the mining operation with significant by-product gains, in the order for six other minerals.

MACA and GRES Awarded West Musgrave Project Contracts

The potential of developing the nearby Succoth prospect, that also exists in the West Musgrave Project area, gives Cassini Resources confidence in being able to increase its resource even more in the future. In deciding to develop the West Musgrave Project to the production stage, Cassini Resources has awarded contracting status to both MACA and GRES.

GRES (GR Engineering Services Limited) is to be involved in further studies concerning the project's potential, as well as undertaking the construction of the mine processing plant. GRES is a consulting and contracting company specialising in mineral processing, design and construction. The company was founded in Perth in 2006 and has quickly grown and built up a large portfolio containing a diverse range of clients that include junior mining developers starting out in the industry, mid-tier miners and large international mining companies.

MACA Limited, is a mining and civil construction organisation involved in haulage, crushing and screening as well as general contract mining. MACA is to be involved on the West Musgrave Project in the area of general mining and civil works. It is expected the West Musgrave Project to have a life of mine of at least 15 years with known reserves.

West Musgrave Project the Last Frontier of Australian Mining

Cassini Resources Limited look on the West Musgrave Project as being the last frontier of mineral exploration in Australia. The project has the potential of becoming a substantial producer of base metal concentrate. It believes the Nebo-Babel development along with the Succoth potential will be the base for the company becoming a world class base metal producer.

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