Mine Details



goldCamp Accomodation, FiFo


Address: 380 O'Brien Road, Perth, WA, 6083 

State:  380 O'Brien Road, Perth, WA, 6083




The NOA (North of Alliance) gold deposits are part of the Burnakura gold properties which are contained in the Murchison Gold Project, located within the Murchison Mineral Field, approximately 765 kilometres north east of Perth and 40 kilometres south east of Meekatharra in Western Australia.

NOA is Part of the Murchison Mineral Field Where Gold Exploration Began in the 1900's

The Murchison Mineral Field has been subjected to exploration since the 1900's and currently hosts a number of operating gold mining projects. The Murchison Gold Project was acquired in early 2014 by Canadian gold mining company, Monument Mining Limited, through its Australian subsidiary, Monument Murchison Pty Ltd, from Kentor Gold Limited. The acquisition included both exploration and mining tenements as well as lease applications that cover around 98 square kilometres. The acquisition also included an operational gold processing plant and a reasonably new camp accommodation facility as well as all the required gold mining infrastructure.

NOA Progressing Towards Open pit Mining

In February, 2016, Monument Mining Limited, announced that the NOA, as well as the Tuckanarra and Burnakurra gold deposits within the Murchison Gold Project, were progressing well following confirmation that the drilling of the NOA deposits indicated it was suitable for open pit mining. The announcement also reported metallurgical testing for heap leach processing, environmental studies ,and the design of the crushing plant, were all progressing well and leading the way for implementation of a mine development plan that was indicating early production as well as an increase of the total gold resource.

NOA Heap Leach Processing will Begin Before CIL Circuit Begins

The NOA development plan will see the heap leach facility circuit become operational before a carbon-in-leach (CIL) circuit. The heap leach facility will allow for a higher grade cut off to be obtained when the CIL becomes operational as only high grade ore will be fed into the CIL plant. The lower grade ore will be taken to the heap leach to allow all the recoverable gold to be extracted economically.

Como Engineering Complete FEED Report on NOA Processing

A Perth engineering company, Como Engineers, finalised the heap leach (FEED) Front End Engineering Design report, from data derived from on site metallurgical testing. Como Engineering are also supervising and helping with the refurbishing, building and subsequent commissioning of the heap leach facility. Construction and refurbishment is expected to take about six months to complete.

NOA Exploration to Continue Through 2016

It is planned to have most of the initial gold bearing ore come from the Alliance and New Alliance open pits. These pits will be followed by the NOA pits which will, in turn, be followed by the Federal City and the Authaal pits, finishing up with the Tuckanarra Project deposits. Ongoing exploration of the NOA and Tuckanarra deposits will continue through 2016, with the results of this exploratory work helping to determine how many pits will be required to provide the most economical way of exploiting the Burnakurra Project using heap leach and CIL processing.

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