Mine Details

Marillana creek



Address: VIC, 

State:  VIC,



The Marillana Creek ñ Yandi iron ore project is located about 90 kilometres northwest of Newman in the Hamersley Ranges area of the Pilbara region in Western Australia. It is operated as a Joint Venture involving BHP Billiton, Itochu Minerals and Energy of Australia Pty Ltd, JFE Steel and Mitsui-Itochu Iron Pty Ltd.

Marillana Creek EPA Approval Granted in 2005

Environment approval for an extension of mining of theYandi iron ore deposit was granted by the Western Australian Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) in April, 2005. At the time, BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd had already been mining the Marillana Creek ñ Yandi mining operation.

Marillana Creek ñ Yandi ore Found in Channel Iron Deposit (CID)

The Marillana Creek ñ Yandi iron ore orebody is situated in an ancient channel iron deposit (CID) that is divided into specific mine areas such as the; central mesa pits, eastern mesa pits and western mesa pits. The term 'mesa' denoting the geological shape of the area that consists of flat tops and clifflike sides, much like table tops. As each individual pit is mined the void left behind is partially filled with the overburden obtained from other pits being worked within the lease. The Joint Venture partners plan to mine the entire Yandi orebody after which they will fully rehabilitate the disturbed areas.

Marillana Creek ñ Yandi Project Requires Dewatering Throughout

The Marillana Creek ñ Yandi CID averages around 80 metres in thickness with most mining activity taking place within the top 60 metres. The lower 20 metres consists of lower grade ore. BHP Billiton Iron Ore operate bores in the vicinity of each individual pit in order to lower the water table by around 30 metres, as work progresses. The same mining technique is to be repeated throughout the whole mining process for the life of the mine.

The Marillana Creek ñ Yandi project consists of open cut mining of overburden, as well as ore, from the rich CID deposit. Dewatering is necessary throughout the ore body while mining activity is taking place to keep the natural water level below that of the mining operation. When the overburden can-not be used to fill voids it is stored in out of pit areas to await use in rehabilitation works. Once mined, the ore is processed before being loaded for transportation from the site.

Infrastructure work carried out at the Marillana Creek ñ Yandi project has included the supply and distribution of its own power needs, the construction of access roads, airstrip, accommodation village, workshops and administration area. It also involves the permanent diversion of Marillana Creek, as well as permanent changes to the final landforms because of the removal of the mesa type iron ore deposit areas and the creating of hill like formations where out of pit overburden has been stored. The worked out pits will become lakes.

The Marillana Creek ñ Yandi project uses around 10,200 cubic metres of water daily for processing, potable water uses and for dust suppression. After the ore has been crushed and screened it is loaded onto railway trucks and transported to Port Hedland for export.

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