Mine Details

Mackay potash




Address: Level 7, BGC Centre, Perth, WA, 6000 

State:  Level 7, BGC Centre, Perth, WA, 6000




The Mackay Potash Project is located about 540 kilometres north west of Alice Springs in the Northern Territory. The lake itself straddles the Western Australian and Northern Territory border, in the Great Sandy Desert. Although the Lake Mackay Potash project is proposed to take place on the Western Australian side of the border, access to the site is via Alice Springs. The part of the lake within the Northern Territory is part of the Southern Tanami Indigenous Protected Area.

Lake Mackay is Australia's Fourth Largest Lake

Lake Mackay is the fourth largest lake in Australia with two thirds of it located on the Western Australian side of the border. The lake seldom holds water but when it does it more frequently does so in the deeper Northern Territory portion which has been known to retain water for up to six months or more, following local flooding.

Lake Mackay is Situated on Freehold Aboriginal Land

Lake Mackay is Aboriginal freehold land held by the Lake Mackay Aboriginal Land Trust. The nearest Aboriginal Community is populated by the Nyrripi Community which is 132 kilometres to the west of the lake in Western Australia.

Access to Lake Mackay Potash Project is via Alice Springs

The Lake Mackay Potash Project is accessed by road from Alice Springs. Alice Springs is serviced with an international airport, the transcontinental Darwin to Adelaide railway and a sealed highway which leads to Darwin in the north and Adelaide to the south.

Lake Mackay Contains one of the World's Largest Sulphate of Potash Deposits

The Mackay SOP (Sulphate of Potash) Project is made up of six tenements that cover an area of 2,457 square kilometres which contains one of the largest brine hosted sulphate of potash deposits in the world. The lake has a surface and groundwater catchment area of 87,000 square kilometres.

Lake Mackay Potash Project Being Developed by Agrimin Limited

The Mackay Potash Project, that is being developed by Australian Security Exchange listed, Agrimin Limited, a minerals company based in Western Australia, has an indicated and inferred mineral SOP resource of 164 million tonnes grading at 8.25 kilograms a cubic metre of brine. The deposit has an average depth of 24.7 metres from the lake surface. Agrimin Limited has reached a Land Access Agreement with the Traditional Owners of the land at Lake Mackay, the Kiwirrkurra people.

Sulphate of potash contains low levels of chloride and 17.5 percent sulphur. It is a high quality product used, in the main, on specialty crops in the agricultural industry. Its low chloride level is preferred as chloride often has a toxic effect on many food plants, particularly leafy plants. Sulphate of potash improves a crops shelf life as well as its colour and taste. It is particularly useful in agricultural areas where the soil has high salinity levels.

The biggest importers of sulphate of potash in the world include; China, Europe, USA and Australia. Agrimin Limited is confident that all sulphate of potash deposits throughout Western Australia will become increasingly important in the future in order to meet a growing world demand.

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