Mine Details


iron-oreCamp Accomodation, FiFo


Address: WA, 

State:  WA,



The Jinidi iron ore project is located 55 kilometres north west of the mining centre of Newman, within the Shire of East Pilbara, in the Central Pilbara region of Western Australia.

Jinidi Iron Ore Project Being Developed by Newman Joint Venture

The Jinidi iron ore project is being developed on a mining lease granted by the Western Australian Government to the Mount Newman Joint Venture, that comprises; BHP Minerals Pty Ltd (85 percent), Mitsui-Itochu Iron Pty Ltd (10 percent) and Itochu Minerals and Energy Australia Pty Ltd (five percent). BHP Billiton Iron Ore is the Joint Venture manager.

Jinidi Iron Ore Mine to Produce 60 Million Tonnes of Iron Ore Annually

The Jinidi iron ore mine will be operated as an open pit capable of mining 60 million tonnes of iron ore a year from a deposit that is situated both above and below the watertable (at orebodies 41 and 13). Jinidi mine open pit dewatering is expected to involve around seven gigalitres a year. The water would then be used during construction and also during the operational stage over the following 30 years or so. Surplus water brought to the surface will be injected into aquifers as well as being made available to other operational mines in the area as potable water.

Overburden created when clearing the soil and rocks from above the iron ore deposit is to be put aside in out of pit overburden storage areas, as well as being used as infill for the mined out pits.

The infrastructure will includes the primary crusher adjacent to the open pits, the ore conveyor system, an ore handling plant and a train loading facility. A rail loop is to be constructed as will be administration offices, workshop, storage and accommodation facilities. It is also proposed to construct water and power servicing infrastructure, including mine access roads, haulage roads and light vehicle access roads leading to both mine and mine facilities that will be used over the life of the mining operation.

Development of the Jinidi Mine is Dependant on Market Conditions

Land needed to be cleared to accommodate the Jinidi project will range between 3,500 and 4,500 hectares. It was planned to commence the construction phase in 2012, with the mine reaching its closure stage in about 2040, or 2045, a figure based on the mining rate and the ore resources available. Any further development of the Jinidi iron ore project will be subject to market conditions, BHP Billiton Board and government approvals.

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