Mine Details

Carley bore




Address: Level 4, 502 Hay Street, Subiaco, WA, 6008 

State:  Level 4, 502 Hay Street, Subiaco, WA, 6008




The Carley Bore uranium project is located about 150 kilometres south east of Exmouth in the Western Australian Carnarvon Basin, approximately 960 kilometres north west of Perth. The Carnarvon Basin, that is about 250 kilometres wide and 650 kilometres long, is part of the mineral rich Pilbara. It extends in a north-south direction along the Western Australian coast between the Exmouth Gulf in the north and Geraldton in the south.

Carley Bore Acquired by Paladin Energy in June, 2015

International uranium production company, Paladin Energy Limited, acquired the Carley Bore tenements, in June, 2015, from Energia Minerals. The Carley Bore tenements are located just 100 kilometres from Paladin Energy Limited's Manyingee uranium project, where the company is engaged in development work in the creation of an ISL (in-situ leach) field trial.

Carley Bore to be Satellite Operation to Manyingee Hub

The Carley Bore uranium project, has the potential to eventually become a satellite uranium mining operation to the main uranium processing hub, that is expected to be built at Manyingee. A central hub servicing various ISL operations will lower the company's capital expenditure as well as allow for a more efficient development program.

Carley Bore to Double Manyingee Uranium Resource

Scoping studies carried out at the Manyingee site have already shown the deposit has the ability to support a 10 year project producing two million pounds of yellowcake annually, with the Carley Bore deposit adding to this project's success, both economically and technically. The Carley Bore acquisition has the potential to double the Manyingee project's mine life. Paladin Energy Limited will be focussing on extending the Carley Bore resource throughout 2016 along with exploration for further uranium deposits in the area.

Carley Bore has High Grade Uranium Resource

It has been estimated that the Carley Bore uranium deposit contains an inferred mineral resource of 10.6 million pounds of uranium oxide having a grade of 280 parts per million with a cut-off grade of 150 parts per million, as well as having an indicated mineral resource of around five million pounds of uranium oxide with a grade of 420 parts per million.

The Carley Bore acquisition has grown Paladin Energy Limited's total mineral resource in the area by over 30 percent, as it now stands at 20.7 million pounds of uranium grading at 680 parts per million. The company's total inferred uranium resource in the area has now grown by 100 percent to now be at 20.9 million pounds grading at 415 parts per million.

Paladin Energy Limited is a Global Uranium Producer

Paladin Energy Limited is listed on the Toronto and Nambian stock exchanges as well as the Australian Securities Exchange. The company also trades on the Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Berlin and Munich exchanges. It currently operates two uranium mines in Africa as well as having projects in Australia. Mining company, Summit Resources Limited, is over 82 percent owned by Paladin Energy Limited.

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