
Roy Hill Holdings Pty Ltd

Roy Hill Holdings is a new generation of integrated iron ore mining, rail and port operations in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. We are defining advanced processes that will introduce new technology, innovation and knowledge to the Australian iron ore industry.

The Roy Hill project will deliver state of the art automation that will manage safety and production more efficiently, whilst streamlining operational efficiencies, resulting in reduced cycle time and increased productivity. Our key drivers are creating an organisation through innovation, knowledge and collaboration. A leading mining operation that is set apart from the rest, through company culture, citizenship perspectives and production performance.

Our project will be the only independent iron ore project with a majority of Western Australian ownership. The Roy Hill project will produce 55 million tonne annually and is a world-class iron ore deposit located in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. It will produce low phosphorous, Marra Mamba iron ore and will be one of the premier iron ore provinces in the world.

The operation is located approximately 115 kilometres north of Newman and lies on flat plains at the eastern point of the Chichester Range. The project has enough iron ore to support a mine life of over 20 years and its mineralisation content in excess of 2.4 billion tonnes of quality iron ore. The first shipment load ready for export is anticipated for 2015.

Roy Hill will have a Perth based combined Corporate Headquarters and Remote Operations Centre that will allow integration of its operations, corporate service and marketing functions, further improving quality, reliability and production output across the business. A purpose built mine site airport has been constructed that is able to accommodate 737 aircraft, site access roads, modern accommodation for project personnel. Up to 3,600 construction workers and 2,000 operational staff and contractors.

We are dedicated in recruiting and retaining the best personnel for our business and believe our people are crucial to the success of our business. Roy Hill will provide the opportunity to work on one of the best Greenfield mining projects in the world, where we offer a culture of contribution, attractive remuneration packages, a family friendly FIFO roster, training and development opportunities and a world-class accommodation village.

The mine will be a conventional open pit, drill and blast, truck and excavator bulk mine site with numerous production benches. The majority of waste and excess from mining processes will be dumped into mined out pit voids. The processing plant will be the greatest single feed processing plant in the region utilising proven technology together with low risk.

A single line heavy haul railway that is 344 kilometres long will be created for the transport of processed iron ore, where it will reach an assigned port stockyard facility at the south of Port Headland. The railway is independently owned and operated by Roy Hill that will transport 31,450 tonnes of ore per annum. Five ore trains will run daily with each comprising of three locomotives hauling 232 ore cars.

The port facility based at Port Headland will be built to acquire, stockpile, screen and export 55Mtpa of wet directly shipped iron ore as lump and fines, with provisions for future expansion. The wharf will hold an average vessel size of 206,000 tones and is capable of accommodating the large cape size vessels of 320,000 tonne.

Through the essence of innovation and implementing knowledge from past mining ventures Roy Hill and its partners are set to become one of the key international and independent producers of premium lump and fines iron ore products in the global market.

Contact us

Address: 5 Whitham Road, Perth, WA, 6105

Phone: 862421000



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