
Forestry Corporation

For over 100 years, Forestry Corporation and its predecessor, Forests NSW have been managing State Forests for timber production, recreation and conservation.

Being the largest manager of commercial native and plantation forests in NSW, Forestry Corporation manages recreation, environmental sustainability and renewable timber production in more than two million hectares of NSW State forests.

Most of the native State forests Forestry Corporation manages are regrowth forests, which means the trees you see today have grown to replace trees previously removed for timber. Only a very small percentage of State forest land is harvested annually to ensure a sustainable supply of timber into the future and many areas have been harvested and regrown several times over the generations.

Forestry Corporation also manages around 200,000 hectares of softwood plantations, which produces enough timber to construct around a quarter of all the houses built in Australia each year, as well as 35,000 hectares of eucalypt plantations.

Contact us

Address: 121-131 Oratava Ave, West Pennant Hills, NSW, 2125

Phone: 02 9407 4225



Plantation Pine, Timber Production, Conservation, Environmental Sustainability, Renewable Timber Production, Certified Sustainable Timber, NSW State Forest

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